Monday, July 6, 2009

martin bashir admits he lied

From the Youtube page:

"In the outtakes, as in the original main documentary, Bashir is, for lack of a better word, creepy. He baits Jackson, praising his strangest qualities during breaks in the filming. Jackson is flattered and pleased,...

In the outtakes, as in the main doc, Bashir is, for lack of a better word, creepy. He baits Jackson, praising his strangest qualities during breaks in the filming. Jackson is flattered and pleased, but when filming resumes, Bashir then attacks the singer for the traits he only seconds earlier complimented.

Watch " Living with Michael Jackson - Take two " The Footage You Were Never Meant to See" (also referred to as "the rebuttal video"). The footage that they show in this documentary was filmed by Hamid Moslehi privately. This was presented by Maury Povich, and contains material which Bashir omitted. It also features new interviews with people close to Jackson, such as his former wife Debbie Rowe. In this interview, she claimed it was on her request that the children wore masks in public. She also pointed out that the concept of "sharing a bed" can be misunderstood: for example, she herself likes watching TV in bed; when she has a visitor, often both watch TV together in bed. It also contains interviews with Bashir giving much different opinions than what he gave in past interviews as well as in the voice-overs. He is shown praising Jackson as a father as well saying that he thinks it's wonderful that he allows children to come to Neverland.- wiki"

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