Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Seven fans have committed suicide because of the death of Michael Jackson. Seriously people we are all hurt and saddened to the point of speechlessness…however DON’T SELF DESTRUCT! Michael Jackson believed in world peace, and wouldn’t ever take his own life….Get it together people, lets not turn Michaels death into a circus ..>Damn!! Jesse Jackson talks about coping with the death of MJ, in hopes that noone else will succumb and imitate what the other seven have done.
As many as 50 callers seeking help from suicide prevention hotline Lifeline Australia have told counsellors that Jackson’’s death on June 26 has left them distressed.

According Sky News, Gary Taylor from London, who owns Jacko’s online fan club has said that he was aware of about 12 suicides following the performer’’s death

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